According to BBC News this morning, the travel fares in London including both tube and bus are going to increase again, in 2010.
In my point of view, although it has been one year after the economic crisis in 2008, UK's economy is still in recession, the recovery is so slow as well as weak.
In my point of view, although it has been one year after the economic crisis in 2008, UK's economy is still in recession, the recovery is so slow as well as weak.
However, the travel fares, which is one of the most significant and relavant thing to Londoners keeps raising, is it fair?
Besides, there are always several tube lines closed on weekends, which affects people's outgoing a lot.
Besides, there are always several tube lines closed on weekends, which affects people's outgoing a lot.
There's no good service, but people still have to pay more for their travel fees.
I can't unerstand, and I can't see any rational reasons to make this kind of decision as well.